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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Keyword Keepers And Losers

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Christmas comes up faster than we'd like, and before we know it, it's time to hand out those Xmas presents! Whether you're a last minute shopper or you like to have everything taken care of before December, buying Christmas presents online can make your life a lot simpler. Christmas is a great time of year to sit back and enjoy the company of your friends and of family that you've When you are trying to get your site and your information further up on the list of Google search engine results, keyword research is the best way to get started. While Google and other similar search engines use a wide variety of parameters to find what the searcher is looking for, keywords still top the list in terms of getting results.

The first thing to do is to figure out how your site is getting hits. Through the use of Google Analytics, you can put a piece of code on your home page that will tell you how people are getting to your site. This can tell you if your keywords are appropriate in terms of getting you the right kind of browsers. Remember that a high traffic count does not necessarily mean that your site is getting good traffic. If the majority of people getting to your site are just briefly stopping in and deciding that you are not for them, all this is doing is running your bandwidth costs higher.

Google AdWords is another tool that you can add to your arsenal when it comes to researching keywords. Whether or not you want to continue to use it as a main staple of your advertising campaign is definitely up to you, but in terms of figuring out what is actually effective in terms of bringing hits to your site, Google AdWords can be invaluable. Essentially, this pay per click program will bring up a small link to your site whenever certain key words are used. Although you will pay every time someone clicks your ad, this can tell you what words are soliciting the most response.

It is also very possible to become stuck in terms of what keywords you can use. If you already operate in an overcrowded market, you'll find that getting your site to the top using the most obvious keywords is all but impossible. At that point, your strategy should be using the less obvious keywords but using them well. There are several tools that can help you figure out what keywords you might want to try integrating into your site. Google offers a keyword tool that will help you generate related terms that you can use. Remember to use your best judgment; while some of them will be keepers, others will be misleading or misrepresent your site. Use as many as seem appropriate; multiple keywords can bring more business to your site, but beware of keyword stuffing.

It is very important to avoid keyword stuffing and spamming as the top search engines will penalise against it. Once this happens it can really effect your website both short term and long term so it is important to understand what to avoid. One way to check this is to read your page text and ensure it sounds natural. If it is stuffed it will sound strange and not make much seance so as long as it reads well you will normally find that the weighting is fine.

Search engine results are among the best ways to get new and relevant traffic to your site, so do your research and make sure that every word counts!

Author: Norman Vincent


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